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The 10ish Commandments Of Meme Token Awesomness & Safety

  • Thou shalt burn 1000$ worth of LP - BAGZ launch pad standard

  • Thou shalt use a token contract confirmed by a third party. - BAGZ launch pad standard

  • Thou shalt increase your ammt of burned liquidity to 2000

  • Thou shalt initiate a Fair Launch of your token pre IDO - BAGZ suggests our innovative NFT drop

  • Thou shalt use your Fair Launch Revenue to increase your burned LP

  • Thou shalt initiate a vesting system for your Team, Dev, Marketing, Community Rewards type supply allotments so that ye faithful can have maximum confidenc

  • Thou shalt publish your projects vesting release schedule for team related allocations

  • Thou shalt increase the total ammt of your burned LP to $5000

  • Thou shalt create a multisig arrangement for your root project keys that ye may be safest and most resilient

  • Thou shalt promptly distribute > 50% of your total supply

  • Thou shalt be community minded having initiated 10 LP farms with other project

Why LaunchBagz?

  • Secure Token Contract

    Our contracts are meticulously crafted to ensure your investments are protected.

  • Fair-launch Pre-sales

    We guarantee a level playing field with no early access or preferential treatment.

  • Networked Liquidity

    Connect seamlessly with our pooled liquidity system for smooth and stable transactions

  • Vesting Contract for token team funds

    Securely lock team funds to build trust and ensure long-term project commitment.

  • Meme Token Rating System

    Navigate the meme token world with our comprehensive and unbiased rating system.

  • Transparency

    We operate with full openness, providing access to all transactions and activities.